28 May 2024

DENON VA-75 (1984) | DENOX AV System


DENON VA-75 (1984) | DENOX AV System

Brand: DENON
Model: VA-75
Year: 1984

Denon's AV system Denox is an advanced Hi-Fi video with an emphasis on sound quality, created by a professional audio designer. The DENON VA-75 uses two rotating heads for audio only. This head rotates at a high speed of 1,800 revolutions per minute, recording the audio signal in the deep layer of the tape's magnetic band and the video signal in the surface layer. The circuit configuration has been designed with a thorough emphasis on sound quality, creating high-fidelity audio recording and playback capabilities worthy of the Hi-Fi name, excellent sound quality characteristics that approach that of CDs. The VA-75 also features a built-in FM stereo tuner.

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denon av system denox

DENON VA-75 (1984) | DENOX AV System

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