31 July 2018

Technics SE-A3 / SU-A4 - Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

The Technics SE-A3 power amplifier introduced in 1980 employs a New Class A circuitry that makes it something special. New Class A is a unique Technics design that provides the distortion-free fidelity of class A amplifiers and the high power efficiency of class B (or AB) amplifiers. The SE-A3 delivers a rated output of 200 watts per channel, both channels driven into 8 ohms, with no more than 0.002% total harmonic distortion from 20 to 20,000 Hz. Signal-to-noise ratio is 123 dB (IHF '66) and TIM is so low that it is unmeasurable. Although these specifications speak for themselves, the New Class A circuitry eliminates the switching distortion and crossover distortion that are characteristic of conventional amplifiers with the use of the original "synchro bias" circuit. To eliminate chances of cross-channel interference the SE-A3 is equipped with separate transformers for the left and right stereo channels. To complement the overall aesthetics this power amplifier uses large Peak Power Meters that have an attack time of only 50us and give direct readings from 0.0001W to full power. We can almost consider this a Technics trademark. Unfortunately rumour is that there are two types of Technics SE-A3, one that is broken while the other one will be soon broken. The good news however is that the special DLPT symmetrical configuration dual transistors can be replaced with two independent Toshiba power transistors.

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

Professional Series DC Power Amplifier

23 July 2018

Technics SL-15 - Program it to play any cut (1980)

Program it to play any cut

The Technics is a high-tech Direct Drive linear-tracking turntable. It automatically plays the record selections you want and skips the ones you don't. It completely eliminates tracking error and is so advanced it can even play upside down. The SL-15's microcomputer and infrared optical sensor let you play up to 10 cuts per side, in any order. Just press the program keys in the order of the selections you want to hear. And with the repeat button, the SL-15 can repeat the entire program or any selection. The SL-15 performs virtually any function, automatically. It accurately selects the record size and speed, finds the lead-in groove and begins playback at the touch of a button. 

More proof of the SL-15's accuracy is its quartz-locked, direct-drive motor and dynamically balanced, linear-tracking tonearm. In addition to tracking perfectly, the SL-15 plays a record as accurately upside down as it does right side up. The whole body of the truntable is made of precision aluminium diecast upper and lower interlocking cabinet halves. The same build quality can be found also in the Technics SL-10 (a member of the 1001 Hi-Fi collection). 

You can see how it's been "scientifically demonstrated" that this Technics can really

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

Program it to play any cut

17 July 2018

EXCLUSIVE M3 - Power Amplifier by PIONEER (1973)


The "soul of audio" combined with the advanced art of high-fidelity electronics is behind the unique concept of the EXCLUSIVE M3 stereo power amplifier by Pioneer. Analyses of both the "dynamic" and the "pulsive" characteristics of audio were studied carefully in the creation of the M3. These include transient response, crossover distortion and many other critical aspects of performance. Such static characteristics as power bandwidth and frequency response were also closely examined. The results are as brilliant as they are daring. To illustrate, consider the problem of providing stability versus the question of assuring wide frequency response and minimum distortion. Pioneer designed an entirely new type of circuit for the M3 to achieve both: it features the reliable circuit design and high-quality parts for stability, yet allows a small amount of negative feedback to be applied to improve frequency response and assure low-distortion performance. 

Sophisticated features like peak-power level meters, a front sub-panel providing access to speaker selector and function of the M3. Individual technical-data sheets giving the exact test information for each unit is packed with every M3 as it leaves the Pioneer factory. The EXLUSIVE M3 is the perfect blend of technology and musicality, the stereo amplifier you can depend on to deliver the "soul of audio" without compromise. As a quality power amplifier for musical reproduction, the M3 has no peer. It offers you RMS 150 watts+150 watts of continuous power (both channels driven at 8 ohms) within critical 20-20,000 Hz frequency range, with both harmonic and intermodulation distortion held to less than 0.1%. There are two large, very precise peak power level meters on the front panel of the M3. The peak transient levels as high as 20dB contained in any audio signal are indicated instantly and acurately. Compared with ordinary VU meters, the power indication range of this peak meter is exceedingly wide: 0.01W to 200W on a logarithmic compression scale, operating from built-in circuits, thus, you can read the power level without changing meter sensitivity.





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09 July 2018

PIONEER RT-1050 - Professional 2-track tape deck (1974)

reel to reel

The PIONEER RT-1050, besides qualifying as a fully-profesional studio deck with its half-track (2-track) stereo head design and choice of the extra-fast 38 cm/se. tape speed, it also provides the convenience, economy and versatility of the best home-type deck. As standard equipment, the RT-1050 provides the same half-track head arrangement used in all recording studio equipment for 1/4" tape. This arrangement will use the entire width of the tape to store the two stereo channels in one tape-running direction to result in increased accuracy and improved audio characteristics. 

For extra versatility the RT-1050 accepts an optional plug-in head assembly (PP-204T) for 4-track recording and playback. Also standard on the PIONEER RT-1050 is it's two-speed drive system with 19 cm/sec. and professional 38 cm/sec. speeds selectable at the push of a button. The higher, 38 cm/sec. speed is a world-wide standard for half-track studio machines and provides the most ideal audio results possible with 1/4" tape. The deck's 3-motor tape transport system is beefed up to handle all reel sizes up to studio-use 27 cm type with ease. A 5mm - thick chassis and solid, die-cast framework provide additional strength. So that you can use any type of tape with minimum distortion and maximum performance, the RT-1050 is equipped with a three-step BIAS selector (STD, LH-1, LH-2) and a four-step EQ selector (NAB STD/LH and IEC STD/LH). 

Dual-scale level meters, a recording peak indicator, lockable, feather-touch electronic controls and many other Pioneer luxury touches add control convenience and versatility to this unusual stereo tape deck.

reel to reel

reel to reel

reel to reel

reel to reel

02 July 2018

Victor M-L10 - Laboratory Series

power amplifier

The Victor (JVC) M-L10 power amplifier was introduced in 1981 and was based on the earlier Laboratory Series M-7050 from 1979.  The power amplifier is based on the high efficiency class A operation method called "Super A" with zero switching noise. The output stage transistors operates at a constant voltage, only the current is changed, and the whole stage adopts a cascade cicrcuit construction. A distinctive (21 step laquering) mirror finish real wood cabinet is used for both the pre-amplifier and power amplifier. This beautiful Laboratory Series amplifier combo was sold under the Victor brand name in Japan while worldwide it was sold as JVC. Technical data: 160 W/ch (RMS, 8 Ohm, 20Hz-20Khz, 0.002%THD), Dimensions: 46*20.35*41.75, Weight: 28 kg

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier

power amplifier