In an era where everything tends to be smaller there are times when actually bigger is better. Let's say you have a large archive of music collection on Compact Cassettes. You know, those things that will work without internet connection, and once you add a cassette with your favorite artist to your collection it is not going to simply disappear when you're least expecting. On the other hand, when this collection grows and grows you are faced with a challenge, where and how to store these cassettes. During the past decades manufacturers have offered various, more or less suitable solutions to this, but what if I tell you, there is another way. I am talking about one cassette to rule them all. This is of course a recent creation (2023) of 1001 Hi-Fi - The Stereo Museum, a giant cassette that can acomodate 135 cassettes with "standard" size box. They are all distributed on 3 shelfs with space above them allowing easy acces and extraction of any cassette at any time. Many of the features cassette user like to have, are incorporated for full comfort. First, we have the "soft eject" function. This means that once you pull the bottom of the door this will swing-up slowly and gracefully without any help. With the help of two powerful "audiophile pistons" the door will stay safely in opened position. Another feature that is highly regarded by cassette users is the illuminated cassette well. This has been achieved by placing two manually operated LED lights inside the door facing the cassettes for improved visibility. No 3D printer has been used for this "cutting edge" product (don't worry, everything is soft and smooth on the edges...) - all this was created by 1001 Hi-Fi in the good old "analog fashion" way - hand made.