31 January 2020

PIONEER Impresso 7 (1994) - The Art of Entertainment

mini hifi

The Impresso Series combines superior audio quality with stylish separate component design and convenience. Superb sound is assured by Pioneer's Legato Link Conversion, Stable Platter Mechanism and Aero Wing heat sink. The first components of this series (initially named Collection 5) were released in Japan in 1993. A year later, in 1994 an updated verision of this system was introduced worlwide as Impresso 7. Impresso components have an attractive aluminium finish and the line-up comprises:
F-C5RDS - Digital tuner with 40 presets, RDS with EON (Radio Data System - Enhanced Other Netork) and clock time display 
A-C5 - 45 W/ch (8 ohm) stereo amplifier with Aero Wing heat sink and chassis (improved heat dissipation and reduced vibrations)
T-C3 - horizontal loading autoreverse cassette deck with Auto BLE and Dolby B,C,HX-Pro.
PD-C5 - cd player with Stable Platter Mechanism and Legato Link Conversion.
S-C5-K - 80 W two way loudspeaker
All Impresso components feature anodized aluminium finish, each component has its own independent power supply and the whole system can be remote controlled.  

mini hifi

mini hifi

mini hifi

mini hifi

mini hifi

mini hifi