With the introduction of the TCD 900 series, Tandberg broke the barrier of professional cassette use. In one machine are combined superior sound capability, superior mechanical and electronic quality, control flexibility based on an 8 bit micro processor with 32 K of EPROM memory. Introduced in 1985 the TCD 910 was a Master Cassette Recorder while the TCD 911 was a Playback Cassette Deck. Both deck feature Direct load cassette compartiment with electro mechanical locking of the cassette and four servo control motors - one each iron coreless spooling, one DC servo frequency generator capstan drive and one DC servo pinch roller/head bridge actuation. Both are dual capstan closed loop drive with direct opto-electronic sensing of hub spindle rotation for precise real time counter accuracy. The TCD 910 features recording head azimuth adjustment while the TCD 911 features playback head adjustment (both external and manual adjustments) The incorporated DYNEQ, Tandberg's patended headroom extension system and ACTILINEAR II (a transconductance amplifier which takes the record and bias signals as pure voltage and converts them to pure current) contribute to superior sound performance. The built-in tape calibration system (TCD 910) allows optimum performance with all type I, II or IV tapes on the market. For studio use these decks feature electronically balanced XLR input/output connectors, RS 232 data interface for program automation and 19 inch rack mount ears. Only 400 of these units were built.